Our Work
Creative Support Services
Hart Direction supported DuPont Pioneer Seeds for a number of years by providing brand and marketing strategy, and creating and executing marketing collateral. When DuPont and Dow AgriScience merged into Corteva Agriscience™, there was an extra need for brand and marketing support. Hart Direction’s rapport with DuPont and Dow AgriScience, made it a logical progression to continue as a marketing and brand resource for the new Corteva Agriscience agribusiness.
The Ask:
Continue to be Corteva Agriscience go-to agency for marketing and sales support tactics and provide ongoing strategy planning and consulting.
The Challenge:
The need for marketing support started to grow as the Corteva Agriscience businesses segmented seed brand products and rebranded their crop protection products. They expanded their technology services to grow the new Corteva Agriscience brand. Suddenly, Hart Direction was servicing seven different marketing leads that made up portfolios in Eastern and Western Canada, including Quebec. There were numerous projects, including ensuring all product guides and trade show collateral were created, printed and delivered on time for each event across Canada in Ontario, Quebec and western provinces.
The Solution:
Keeping clients organized and accountable is what we do best to keep projects on track to make deadlines. We keep our cool and solve problems before they arise. Trade show and events take a lot of coordinating, so communication is key. It’s important that the client knows you have it all under control.
The Result:
Never missing a deadline no matter how tight it is. With the number of projects that the Corteva team has entrusted with Hart Direction, we have never let them down. Our Corteva marketing team leads get to shine in the eyes of their peers and colleagues as a result of making sometimes, the impossible happen on brand, on budget and on time.
The brand and marketing tactics:
- Trade Show design and graphics
- Informational product storyboards
- Product guides
- Signage and flags
- Custom design T-shirt and packaging
- Sales collateral
- Promotional gifts and custom packaging
- Internal branding collateral
- Video
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